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Urology is No Longer a “Men Only” Club

I once gave a talk entitled “The Only Girl in the Room.” When I was training to become a urologist, I was often the only girl in the room. People asked “Why did you pick […]

Dr. Paula Rookis, incontinence, vaginal atrophy, women, women's health

Bladder Cancer: One of the Most Common Aliments Urologists Treat

Bladder cancer is one of the most common ailments urologists treat. It begins when cells within the bladder begin to grow disproportionate to the rate of normal cells and a tumor, or multiple tumors, forms. […]

bladder cancer, cancer, Dr. Eric Brewer

My Fellowship in Male Prosthetic Urology

Upon completion of my urology residency, I made the decision to pursue a fellowship in prosthetic urology, men’s sexual health and incontinence with Dr. Brian Christine at the Urology Centers of Alabama, located in Birmingham, […]

Dr. Lutz Discusses Prostate Cancer Awareness Month

Dr. Austin Lutz was recently on FOX6 discussing Prostate Cancer Awareness:

prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment

Knowing the Signs of Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is another type of cancer that we treat, and is currently the 5th most common type of cancer diagnosed each year. Bladder cancer risk also increases with age, with most patients over the […]

Prostate Cancer and Modern Medicine

Prostate cancer is the second most common cancer diagnosed in American men and the second leading cause of cancer death. While a majority of men will be diagnosed after the age of 65, younger men […]

Treating Prostate Cancer

Cancer is a term that will get everyone’s attention. Physicians at Urology Centers of Alabama (UCA) see and treat cancer every day, but we understand that for the patient this can be shocking, as well […]

cancer, cancer treatment, Dr. Brian Wade, prostate, prostate cancer, prostate cancer treatment

Education Around the World

I am sitting at a restaurant in Madrid, Spain enjoying tapas…small, appetizer sized plates of food. The weather is nice, the people nicer, and the food is ridiculously good. It’s relaxing to get off of […]

New Office for Urology Centers of Alabama Princeton Location

Beginning June 5th, Dr. Michael Bivins and Dr. Mell Duggan will be relocating to the first floor of Professional Medical Building II on the Princeton campus. Patients can continue to use the same entrance, but […]

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